Friday, May 16, 2008

Pre Running Water Scenario

Last night I arrived at Justin's house to find a ticket at his front door stating that the water had been turned off. It also said that if you tried to get water out of the pipes, you could be taken to court. OK, so what that means to me is: a. we have no water, and b. if i even TRY to turn the faucet on, I could go to jail. Needless to say, I didn't touch anything that might produce faucets, no toilets, no dishwasher, nothing.

So how, in fact, do you live without running water, you ask? I recommend you try it for a few hours like I did. It's a lot harder than you might think.

First I had to figure out how to supply drinks for myself and Justin's menagerie of pets. I decided I could just settle with Diet Coke instead of water, but that wouldn't do for the dogs and cat. For them I dropped as many ice cubs as I could fit into their water bowls--big chunks for the boys and little ones for the girl.

Drinking water. Check! All animals accounted for.

Next I had to figure out how the whole bathroom thing would work. I'd managed to hold it during my TV dinner (Jack in the Box has stellar salads, for anyone on the West Coast, by the way), but when Justin's friend Sean came over to play some pool, I'd reached my limit. As Grandma Martin used to say, "my teeth were floating." I decided rather than leave a puddle of yellow in the toilet for Justin's grandma to see the next day, I'd use the natural toilet out back. Unfortunately, grabbing toilet paper was a bit beyond my plan. A little shake (something I learned in Girl Scouts) and I was on my way. Crew, Mr. Pants, and Olivia could use their regular toilets, of course.

Bathroom. Check! All animals accounted for.

Eventually Justin came home from his softball game. Apparently the water issue was a big mix-up with the direct deposit, but it couldn't be dealt with until the next day. We'd just have to continue playing camp until the next morning. So, after a night of Diet Coke and un-brushed teeth, we woke up and drove to my house for showers.

Hot showers. Check!

And that, my friends, is what it's like these days to live a night without running water.

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