Thursday, July 23, 2009

Helpful or Just Crazy?

You never know, but I doubt that the mission will be in effect tonight while I'm at the special viewing of Twilight. I'm assuming I'll be in line to get into the theater with tweens and divorcees mostly. These are the Twihards after all...the people who get tatted up with Twilight symbols and quotes so they can carry the message with them for the rest of their lives. Really, people? Now, Jane Austen, she's someone I could see getting tatted for...JUST KIDDING! It'll be an adventure at least: getting downtown, on time, in line, fed, and in the theater in the midst of the climax of Comic-Con. (This takes over San Diego every year around this time, which hopefully will help get us out of our financial slump!) Will report back if Twilight helps my mission ;)

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