Thursday, October 23, 2008

We Didn't Start the Fire...But Someone May Have

Apparently, for San Diego and Southern California, October happens to be Fire Season. I didn't realize there was a "season," but with the combination of the Santa Ana winds coming in from the north and the dry heat, fires are frequent. Surprisingly, it seems as though many of these fires are made on purpose. Most are man-made of course (think cigarette butts thrown out car windows), but some are considered arson. I can't imagine the mind of the person who willingly starts a fire. Thousands of people loose homes, animals, lives. It takes thousands of tax-payers dollars to fight the fires, and years to rebuild. There are stories all around the media this month about people who are just now able to move back into their houses that were destroyed by last year's fires. Crazy. If it's not hurricanes, it's something else.

In other natural disaster news: Spray Foam on Extreme Home Makeover House.

UPDATE: Check out California Department of Forestry and Fire Prevention's Web site for updated information throughout the fire "season."

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