Monday, April 28, 2008

Natural Disasters: Take 2

I thought I'd stick a Natural Disaster update on here for all those concerned about the shark attack and fires in Southern California.

What I understand about the shark attack was that it was a random act, very unusual for the area. It was the first known attack in 50 years in the San Diego area. It occurred on Friday about 20 miles north of where I live in a town called Solana Beach. The 66-year-old man was training for a triathalon, wearing a wet suit, and the theory is that the great white mistook him for a seal. The sharks come down through our area during the mating season and generally leave humans alone. I worked with his son's best friend for my last few days at Vistage. It's a small world.

As for the wildfires, they're near LA and, therefore, not a threat to anyone this far south. Hopefully they'll get them under control soon.

So, there you have it. California at its finest. I hope all is well on the Eastern Front.

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