Friday, November 21, 2008

A Few Notes From the Field

1. I bought gas yesterday morning on my way into work for $2.05. On my way home from work it had already dropped to $1.99. Can I get a holler?

2. I went to the Twilight premier last night with a few old and new friends. Let's just say if you didn't love the book, maybe you should wait for it to come out on DVD...if not to save yourself the money, to save yourself the ear damage caused by 12-year-old girls screaming every time Edward Cullen comes on the screen. I mean, really? It's not NKOTB. Obvi.

I'd never done the midnight premier thing before and wanted to try it on for size. It's exhausting! I'm sitting at work sucking down coffee trying to stay awake until 5pm when I can drive home and fall immediately asleep! I'm just too old for this stuff :) On the brighter side, I went to this great restaurant/bar in the Gaslamp last night before the movie. It's called Dussini. It's three levels: restaurant downstairs and on the second "floor," and a fire bar and pool tables upstairs. Super cute.

3. Six days until Thanksgiving!

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