Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Embarassing Tale

Let's just get right to it: I farted in yoga last night. We were three students and one instructor in a 9' x 9' dimly lit room. We were doing some sort of sun or dolphin or ashanti pose (I have no clue; they're really all the same to me). My legs were spread apart, my tailbone was tucked in, my arms were outstretched. I was IN the pose. The energy was flowing out of my out-stretched fingertips. In through the nose, out through the mouth. In through the nose, out through the...FLOP! It was short and sweet. Frankly, it could have been the mat on the floor as far as the other three members of our crew were conscerned. Regardless, I immediately locked eyes with my mirrored image and continued on my way. The backwards headstand proved a challenge in self-control, but I managed to last the rest of the one-hour class without any more, shall we say, hiccups. Maybe releasing my toxins will help me reach nirvana. Or maybe it's just an embarassing tale.


Bree said...

I have to tell people you're my girlfriend!!

AI said...

I bet you it smelled like fish tacos!