Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In Today's Paper

"Large squid are washing up on beaches in La Jolla and scaring divers in the area, the National Marine Fisheries Service said yesterday. 'The ones that we are getting right now have a big beak on them, like a large parrot beak. They could take a chunk of flesh off you,' said John Hyde, a biologist with the agency. Schools of Humboldt squid--also known as jumbo flying squid--have appeared along the county's shoreline several times each year since about 2001. Researchers aren't sure why they converge there, Hyde said. The creatures weigh about 20 pounds and typically measure less than four feet long, he said. Many of the squid have been spotted about 100 yards off La Jolla Shores since late last week, and waves have stranded dozens of them in that time. Hyde suspects those squid swam too close to shore in search of food and got washed up on the sand. 'The squid come up and will actually tug at people's arms, tug at their gear, tug at their mask,' Hyde said. 'They can drag you down deeper pretty quickly.'"

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