Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Few Updates

Today marks the first official day of San Diego's crappy spring months. It's rainy and dark outside. Today starts May Gray and next we'll have June Gloom, both of which are kept a secret until you've already decided to visit or move out here (myself included). Luckily, I live a mere seven minutes from my office, so the weather doesn't affect me too much. If I had to hop on a freeway, I'd be stuck in traffic behind people who don't know how to:
a. pump the breaks when stopping;
b. turn their headlights on when using the windshield wipers;
c. drive at a reasonable speed on slick roads;
d. use turn signals when changing lanes.
I swear, you'd think these SoCal natives had never seen WATER!

But I am in fact back at work from a long weekend at my first conference. Ironically, I was sent to Baltimore. "You moved to San Diego to get flown back to Baltimore?" Yes, Mom and Dad, it's true. I had to move across the country to get a free ticket back home :)

So thanks for everyone who came out to dinner on Thursday at James Joyce. The Irish Coffee was delectable. And paid for by the magazine. Which reminds me: thank you dearly for listening to my speal about spray foam. Never in your life did you think you'd know so much about something so random, did you? Well, I appreciate you listening. I've certainly absorbed a lot of information from this job and will probably be regurgitating it for the next few years.

I think I'm headed to Las Vegas for my next trip. Let's see who I can talk to about foam down there!

And, happy belated Cinco de Mayo. I'm not sure what we're celebrating, but I'm a big fan of taquila and Mexican food so bring on the Hispanic Holidays!

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