Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Blog Addition

I added a new element to my page called "Price You Pay for Living in a Democracy" whereby I'll be listing the price of gas that I've experienced that day. I feel as though the rest of the country should experience--along with me--in the horrors that are California gas prices. This morning I went to the Shell off of Grand Ave. in PB and refused to fill up on $3.80/gallon of 89 octane. I charged $15 and added a desperately needed car wash. (I nearly hit a woman yesterday turning onto Mission Bay Drive because I couldn't see her through the grit on my driver's side window. No bueno.) Anyways, gas prices suck, but they're only going to get worse. So eat your heart out New Jerseyites! You're state may smell like poo, but your gas rocks!

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